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Simon Fissa University has three campuses, namely, the main campus in Benabi, the satellite campus in central Vancouver Harbour Center, and the new Surrey campus. It is also a partner on the Great Nor...

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The University of British Columbia (B.C.) is one of the eight famous universities in Canada. Founded in 1908, it has a history of more than 100 years. The University of British Columbia attracts tens ...

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The library system of Southampton University has seven libraries, which have more than one million books and purchase nearly 25,000 kinds of books, periodicals and other books every year. The school h...

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Most departments of Southampton University are located in the main campus, which is located in Highfield Highland, only two miles from the city center. Part of the Department of Art is located at Aven...

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Australian National University is famous for its high quality research-led teaching. In order to strengthen the integration of scientific research and teaching, in 2006, seven universities and four na...

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Australian National University ranks first in art and humanities, natural sciences and social sciences, top 10 in the world, and third in engineering, science and technology, and life sciences, with a...

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Victoria University is one of the largest and comprehensive universities in Australia. There are more than 54000 students and more than 3000 international students. It has more than 100 doctoral major...

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The New England Conservatory of Music is located in Boston, USA. Boston City has always been known as "the most suitable city for walking in the United States". In Boston, various arts are flourishing...

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James Madison University was named one of the most comprehensive universities in this subject by the Carnegie Foundation for Educational Development of the United States Government. On October 2, 2009...

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Founded in 1991, the University of South Australia was merged by the South Australian Polytechnic Institute and the South Australian College of Higher Education. The CQAHE, designated by the Australia...
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